At EDC, our work and the companies we work with are routinely covered by local, regional and national media. Here’s a sampling of recent media coverage that highlights our achievements and tells our story:

EDC Partners With Miami DDA On Investor Series

If Miami startups were randomly asked what our entrepreneurial community’s most frustrating issue is, the vast majority would respond that we need to have far better financing attention and serious consideration that will lead to a much higher level of


Impressive Launch to the Investor Series

  Thank you to everyone that participated and supported the launch of the "Inside the Investors Head" series. We were excited to begin the series with New World Angels (an investor group from Florida, Early Stage to Series A) and their new president,


Afternoon One-to-One Capital Introductions

If Miami startups were randomly asked what our entrepreneurial community’s most frustrating issue is, the vast majority would respond that we need to have far better financing attention and serious consideration that will lead to a much higher level of


4 Pieces of Bad Startup Advice That You Should Ignore…

Being an entrepreneur is a bit like having a baby: everyone suddenly wants to give you advice. There are innumerable resources for entrepreneurs to turn to for guidance when starting their companies, so the challenge becomes choosing the right bits